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Real-time marketing specialist

Your business operates in real time - why doesn't your marketing?

Nearly all advertising is planned and bought in advance, but why when technology has changed the marketing landscape completely enabling you to buy what you need when you need it in real-time across all channels?


Naturally, there are advantages in some long-term planning and buying, but not for all your investment. Real-time marketing means you can be tactical and flex your marketing spend for the key moments you can’t plan for. 

When your store is empty, but you have 6 staff working. When some of your retail estate needs support but others don’t. When budgets get cut, when stock runs out or you have too much supply. When you need to move your media or flex it to support a great opportunity. The list goes on...


Working in real-time means you can always be relevant with your messaging and optimise your spend.



StoreBoost is our latest creation. A full service data management, programmatic media buying and dynamic creative optimisation platform in one. Built from the ground up to service the gap between brand and shopper marketing with an automated, data driven capability for retailers to get footfall when they need it. Always optimised creative and media when you need it most.



Scoota are the best in class omnichannel DSP with a difference - they are cookie free and creative led. We have invested in Scoota and are partnering them to power StoreBoost with their Rig and creative tools.


26 Britton St

26 Britton Street is The Cloud and Compass own co-sharing studio in Farringdon. Our StoreBoost team is based here, but we sublet desks and private offices as part of our investment and partnership with ad tech or creative start ups.

Having a physical space is essential for creativity, brand building, ideas and culture. While we all want flexibility we know there’s no substitute for a creative space where we can showcase our technologies, host clients and events.

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